Current PhD students

Louis Louis Lacoste. Since Sept. 2024, with Pierre Barbillon (AgroParisTech) and Julie Aubert (INRAE). Fellowship : FMJH and Département MATHNUM, INRAE.

Benoit Benoit Pichon. Since Sept. 2022, with Sonia Kefi (ISEM) and Isabelle Gounand (iEES-Paris). Fellowship: Chaire MMB

Barbara Barbara Bricout. Since February 2023, with S. Robin (Sorbonne Université), Thomas Galewski (Tour du Valat), Pierre Defos Du Rau (OFB) and Laura Dami (Tour du Valat). Fellowship: OFB, Tour du Valat

Past PhD students

TamTam Le Minh. Since oct. 2020, with S. Robin (Sorbonne Université) and F. Massol (CNRS). Fellowship : DIM Mathinnov and ANR Project EcoNet

Saint Clair Saint-Clair Chabert-Liddell. Between sept. 2018 and march 2022, with P. Barbillon (AgroParisTech). Fellowship : EDMH

Past Post-doc

Master 2

Master 1

Antoine Malet (2024), Thomas Vrignaud (2019), Jocelyn Vanhonacker (2018), Wei Huang (2010)