You will find here the material I use for my Latent
Variables Models for ecology and biology Class in Master 2 Mathématiques
pour les Sciences du Vivant of University
Paris Saclay.
Slides of the course
Chap 4 : Stochastic Block Models . This class will be completed by a tutorial on R.
Chap5 : A gentle introduction to Variational probabilistic Autoencoder
Chap 6 : Bayesien inference of Latent variable models.
Practical organization
In 2025, the class will take place at AgroParisTech, 22 place de l’Agronomie, Palaiseau in room Pal-C2.1.33, on wednesdays from 14:00 to 17:00
The evaluation consists in a 3 hours exam the 19th of March 2025. Exam of 2024