
The course is based on a book that we are writing currently with Stéphane Robin and Pierre Gloaguen. Before the book is ready, you will find some useful slides below. Note that I won’t always stick to these documents and may change some stuff.


Last update on 18/02/25

Chapitre Slides Illustration Ressources
Chap 1 : Latent variable models and EM Adelie Penguins Files
Chap 2 : Explicit E step Bohemia Vegetation Files
Barents fishes Files
Exercice on Poisson Mixture Correction
Chap 3 : Non explicit E step (HMM) To come
Chap 4 : Approximated E step (Variational EM) Complete course Parasitism Ecological network
Chap5 : A gentle introduction to Variational probabilistic Autoencoder
Chap 6 : Bayesien inference of Latent variable models MCMC versus VEM on Poisson mixture Files